Saturday, April 2, 2016

Chapter 1: Willow Creek and Don Lothario

The Major Legacy! Begins! Whoot!

Welcome to the Major Legacy! Fasten your seat belts, the ride is about to begin.

Intro: I will be doing the 10 generation Sims 4 Legacy Challenge I will be following all the rules according to the rules that are found here:
Here are the extras and the current rules I will be using:
  • Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.
  • Modern: Both Naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir.
  • Heir Law: Democracy: This rule may be used if you are displaying your Legacy Challenge in some public way. Either via Let’s Play, Live-stream, blog or other format where people can leave comment. The heir is chosen by your viewers/readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.
  • Tolerant – The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status

I also will be posting links to the forum

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Let’s enjoy this fun adventure. 

Chapter One:

This is our beautiful, kinda crazy, founder Cherish Major. Her traits are Neat, Loves Outdoors, and Bro. Lifetime be rich. I'm a mean creator that's probably why she looks a little grumpy. She has tons of outfits and hairstyles. I love her already.


At least She loves her new expensive "Knight."  "He's Cute!" *giggle*

Sorry you're broke...  
"I see that.." 
45 Simoleons left... 

Cherish: "Hi! I want a job as Scientist!"
 Text Message: "Great you're hired! You start tomorrow at 10 am.
 Just walk off into void and you'll be here." 
Cherish: "Great!"

"Kay, let's go to the gym!"

"Sup guys wanna start a legacy with me?" 

 Ooo! Don Lothario!  
"How you a doin?" 
Thinking...Thinking about it... 
Cherish! Act Normal!

   I'm thinking about it still... hang on....  *punch* "Ouch"

Mind made up...
Cherish This is the one. Nab him!
"Hey listen, let's skip the small chat and cut to the chase"
"I want you as my spouse ROOMMATE!"
Don: "Really? You Serious?"


Don accepted the terms and conditions of being 
founding spouse *cough* roommate.

Guys sorry but.. Fruit Loops for the next few weeks...
Everyone: "Yay" 

                                                                 Don needs a bed..
                                                   Don: "I'll check under this rock.."

He found one! Aww how cute :) Don also got a job as an astronaut. 

Cherish at her new job..Should've done a background check..Just saying..

It was a successful first day :)

"What is this thing?"  
You just invented it.
 "Ya I dunno.."

Later that evening :)  
They became a couple 
Don had some issues with it of course

Don:"I'm non-committal!" 
Cherish: "OK, you try asking me" 

For some reason him asking her to be his girlfriend worked ???

"Ya I don't want that.."

Cherish: "Then he said I don't want that.."
Eliza Pancake: "He is tough least you got a double bed"

 *Takes Pictures and sends to to Eliza* 

The next night after work..We tried several proposals to get these guys started..and it was rough


 "NO! Come on what are you thinking"
Cherish! This is legacy! You start using your head!
"Ok I can fix"

"I'm sorry, Don will you marry me?"


Don goes to bed laughing in his sleep...This is not over DON I will have blood your bloodline in this legacy..

Don tried to express his fear of commitment. Cherish wasn't happy...
"And I hate fruit loops! Get over it!!"

They made up of course :) Still cute!

**Romantic Music**

"This cereal smells wonderful!!!" ???

Cherish: "Oh! Look confetti!" 
Don: "We won something!"

Cherish: "Actually..."
Don: *sigh*

This ends Chapter One. I hope you like it so far. 
What happens next? Will Don crack? Will Cherish kick him off the island and keep the baby?
Will they ever have money?

Soon all will be answered!!

1 comment:

  1. She looks super pretty! In Sims 4 I always use Don, J, or Johnny as legacy husbands! I hope you check out my Sims 3 legacy challenge. Please read all.
